Friday, January 4, 2013

PM Postcast

In order to gain PDUs, I started my knowledge gain process by listening to PM Podcast.

How to Recover from Mistakes and Keep the Project Moving

Project Managers are often not afraid to make mistakes and are resilient and know how to come back

5 Common Mistakes:

1. Preparing an Ambitious Schedule

2. Ignoring Problems

3. Failing to Share Accountability with Functional Managers

4. Failing to Understand what Stakeholders and Sponsors want to hear

5. Not Fully Understanding the Requirements

How do we learn from our mistakes?
1. Acknowledge.

2. There are three steps in acknowledging a mistake - Triple 'R's - Release, Review and Reset.
We have to acknowledge a mistake in the project. Just accept it. This is 'release'.
'Review' is the mistake with questions like - Why and where did we go wrong?
'Reset' - Move forward with the project.

Final note:
We all make mistakes. Develop a strong mind. This comes through practise and experience.

Customer-Centric Project Management

We review the project in the end to assess the success. This is also called Post Mortem.
This is a retrospective way and is traditional. But, it is a bit late to do anything to a project. This helps only future projects.

What is an alternative? Continuous Review - Work out on a monthly basis. Do engagement with stakeholders (mainly customers and sponsor).
1. When you call customer support center, things start with a wait(music). End of the call, you evaluate the support service instantly.
2. In a restaurant, it is good for host to ask the guest, 'Is everything OK?' in middle of the meal rather than in the end.

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